A Word Jigsaw
I was tickled to combine a poem about brides with a US Vogue fashion image and the frontispiece from a 1930s Mills & Boon romance novel.
I’ve been busy lately writing random poems – if writing is the correct word. It’s been more like assembling word jigsaws: my table is strewn with thousands of snippets and phrases that tumble together into little poems.
When I first started creating these poems, I would close my eyes and take whatever words came out of the tin. My rule was to use every single piece in the poem. This time, for a change, I decided to be less restrictive. Sometimes I pull a random clump out of the mess, and occasionally I sift through for phrases that catch my eye, discarding those that don’t work with the overall thread. I guess you could call them somewhat random poems.
I’ve also gone back and redesigned many of my old poems with new vintage backgrounds. You can check them out in the new Random Poetry gallery.