Fragments of Poetry
Exotic Style :: Watts // Big Up // No flash
The other week I killed two birds with one stone. I was clearing my storage room of junk (old UK Elle Décor magazines) and simultaneously adding to my stockpile of random poetry fragments.
I had realised I just didn’t have enough personal pronouns and conjunctions. I had also been holding onto these magazines for more than five years. I had bought them for renovation ideas, and kept them because they were such nice magazines.
… I just didn’t have enough personal pronouns and conjunctions.
Manners :: Watts // Big Up // No flash
Space :: Watts // Big Up // No flash
Funnily, when I looked at them again, I realised that so much had changed in interior design since the mid-noughties and that I didn’t want to keep the magazines at all. So I quite happily butchered them. All in the name of poetry of course.
As I happily sliced away, it occurred to me that all these fragments scattered over dissected pages were quite pretty. The Bondi Hipstapak (inspired by photographer Ben Watts) seemed quite perfect to capture these collages.
Clare Regularly Bounces :: Watts // Big Up // No flash
Sixties Design Window :: Watts // Big Up // No flash