Not so sole-destroying

Pretty shoes on? Raining? Fear not, Freasy Rain Gear has the solution for you: plastic booties that slip on over your precious Jimmy Choos! Featuring ‘zipped top closure’, ‘heavy guage [sic] vinyl’ and ‘anti-skid soles’, they will take you home in style, safe in the knowledge that your silk-shod feet will not be ruined.

Faced with the dilemma of an unexpected thunderstorm, and clad in delicate turquoise heels, I actually road-tested this product. I am pleased to be able to inform you that they did indeed bring me and my lizard-skin heels home undamaged.

I cannot recall which of my past work colleagues gave me these, or what company was responsible for their precipitate departure from Taiwan’s shores. However, I put them away in my drawer, and saved them for the rainy day when my sartorial courage would be put to the test. Much to the amusement of the office, it was, and I passed with flying colours.

Tragically, a Google search did not come up with any results so that you too could share in this character-building experience. You will have to enjoy them vicariously.

Shoes by Hussy


Like sheep, they have all gone astray


What I Actually Wore #0003