Monster Fashion
My friend Sapphire and I both love vintage clothes. We both like to dress up. And we are both perfectly happy to clown around in front of the camera. It’s a friendship made in heaven.
We excitedly discussed the idea of doing some B-grade movie photoshoots (Sapphire particularly loves zombie films), and I proposed The Day of the Triffids (right) as our first venture. Sapphire enthusiastically took up the cause.
Obviously some research was required, so I rented out the DVD of the original 1960s movie. I had already read John Wyndham’s book some time ago, and enjoyed it immensely, so the movie was a bit of a disappointment in the way the main female character – a notorious young lady with a reputation for wild partying – was replaced with a wholesome little school-uniformed girl.
Triffid artwork from past decades. (Click on image for larger version.)I was also disgusted (and amused) by the usual histrionics enacted by the other female lead, screaming her head off in the lighthouse, instead of helping her estranged lover fend off the triffid attacking them. Give me a heroine with some gumption! Sapphire, however, took on that role with relish, while I armed myself with a garden rake.
Of course we are both unsuitably dressed for defending ourselves against slobbering cactus hybrids. Those skirts are far too tight to really do anything other than cower in terror against the wall. (AHA! I think I have just stumbled onto the real reason heroines from the old classic movies did nothing but shriek!)
Fashion Notes
Tatiana: vintage 1950s dove-grey dress, R&K Originals (For the Girl Who Knows Clothes), vintage gloves and earrings, Zoe Wittner shoes
Sapphire: own vintage navy shoes; wool top and skirt, belt, vintage gloves, Tatiana’s Closet