Market Buy

I’ve written before about shopping adventures in Hong Kong markets, and mentioned the expensive purchase of a buffalo hide handbag. At last it makes its appearance on these pages!

My friend Aurora and I spent the day at Stanley Market, and I saw the bag early on. However, it was quite expensive, and I decided to ponder its purchase while I frittered away small amounts on other fripperies (a cream cashmere shawl that I still regularly use; a rhinestone belt triumphantly discovered, but never worn yet as it’s too big for me, etc).

Eventually I decided to have another look at the bag before I made my final decision. When we arrived back at the stall, I found an American woman looking the bag over. Imagine my fright! I cursed my indecision. Fortunately, she decided against it, and before she could change her mind, I snatched it up and made it mine.

The bag has been with me for several years now, and has been admired by many. My sister Star has laid claim to it in case I should ever tire of it (unlikely). I am well-practised at making the right shopping decision, and there are few things I buy today that are soon discarded. If you stay true to your style, take your time to shop, and buy the best quality you can afford, you’ll rarely make errors – even when souvenir shopping in overseas markets. 


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