Haunted Hallowe’en

Hallowe’en is not a holiday that is hugely celebrated in Australia, and I actually have no tradition of celebrating it. I know a few people here or there that hold parties, but it seems a pretty rare occurrence. So while I had not planned any costume, I did have some pictures up my sleeve that were rather haunting.

From time to time I like to play with the multiple exposure effect on my camera. There is actually a function to merge two existing photos for a similar effect, but I much prefer the random results of the real double exposure – the shutter is set to go off in a single burst, so I have to move quickly. After a few attempts I have more of a sense of the timing and can plan for the results a little better.

A while back I did a photoshoot of an Italian widow, and at the end took a series of multiple exposures. The house is one I photographed last year in Sintra, Portugal. Here are a few ghostly images that I was quite happy with.

Hope your Halloewe’en is hilarious, not harrowing!

The original double exposure used in the image aboveDouble exposure + addition of third image in Photoshop Single exposureDouble exposureTwo single exposures merged in Photoshop


Jolly Jewellery


How Sweet It Is