The Case of Bell vs. Pill
While clearing out my closet in the past weeks, I came across this curious little hat in a hatbox full of hats I cordially dislike. For years I have kept them because they are interesting or strange. It was time to decide on their fate, and also photograph them for posterity (thereby freeing me of the guilt of casting them off like an old shoe).
I originally purchased this particular cream hat because it was somewhat reminiscent of the 1920s with its close-fitting bell-like shape. (Cloche means bell in French.) However, it was extremely tight-fitting, and I only wore it on one or two occasions. I had a strong suspicion that it was in fact not a 20s repro, but a 1960s pillbox, and it was meant to perch on top of the head – or ought perhaps be stuffed with a beehive.
The 1960s are my least favourite fashion era …
The 1960s are my least favourite fashion era. In particular I dislike most 60s hats. Shapes in fashion besides the aforementioned cloche and pillbox include bubble toques, knitted skull caps, berets, newsboy caps, floppy wide-brimmed hats and long scarves that were wrapped and tied around the head. I admit to two berets and one newsboy cap (which I don’t really like much actually – I feel like a train-driver wearing it) and one or two others, but pillboxes are loathsome.
In this case of bell vs. pill, Princess Tatiana rules in favour of bell. Although the hat is still too small and unflatteringly helmet-like, so it will be sentenced to a week of community service on eBay. Case closed.