The Revenge of the Anime Girls

While Japanese anime is much admired and has achieved world renown, the costumes worn by the colourful female characters have always struck me as rather ridiculous. Ditto the very dubious angles they are often drawn in. These scantily-clad, big-eyed and candy-haired girls are obviously the product of teenage male fantasies gone rampant. Are there, I wonder, any sophisticated chaps or classy ladies drawing anime girls in designer duds?

Here is my comic homage: I imagined these girls less sweet and more sassy, coming to life and putting the hard word on their creator. Because even cartoon girls like to go shopping.

Many thanks to my sister avenger, Sapphire, with whom I have collaborated often, and to my hapless but helpful male model artist, Montgomery. 


What I Actually Wore #0088


Clutching at Straws