Fancy Hat!
Since I have been in a more minimalist phase in the last year or so, I have not been wearing my more fancy vintage hats – I’ve donned the ones with simpler shapes and minimal trimming. However, last week I suddenly declared to the marketing department at large that I was going to wear a crazy vintage hat the next day.
The next morning, in my hurry dressing for work, I almost forgot, but at the very last minute I remembered the previous day’s avowal. Fortunately I have an app cataloguing my many hats (a bit like Cher Horowitz’s computerised closet in the film Clueless), which I can search by style, colour or trim; the app also records in which hatbox I have stored each hat so that I can find them quickly.
I have always thought [this hat] resembled Mickey Mouse ears …
As I was wearing black, I used the colour search filter, scrolled through the selection and voila! This 50s nylon crin hat was perfect. I have always thought it resembled Mickey Mouse ears, and in fact someone said as much that day. I suspect it ought to have three giant pearls, but my 60s pearl bauble earrings are a fabulous substitute.
It always amuses me how much I get stared at on my morning commute whenever I wear an unusual hat – I always want to demand have they never seen a hat before? The girls I work with, however, were delighted.
Photo: May 2013