What’s in a Lady’s Name?
I like old books. Sometimes I buy them just for their looks. Yeah, I totally judge them by their covers. If they bear quirky titles and quaint designs; if they’re beaten up and shabby, and looked well used, then I will reach for them.
All these books bear lady’s names, and two of them have been made into films. Patricia Brent, Spinster opens with this:
“She never has anyone to take her out, and goes nowhere, and yet she can’t be more than twenty-seven, and really she’s not bad-looking.”
And to think she is only twenty-four after all! Poor Patricia. She goes on to be quite indiscreet, and declares that she is dining with her fiancé the next day – and then she has to make good on her word or face the humiliation of being found out. I think I must actually read this book!
Here’s some more oldies but goldies.