’Tis the Season
A Christmas Carol, Basil Rathbone (narrator), Columbia Records, 1942Wow, who can believe 2012 has flown so fast? I’ve come to the last page of my Steinweiss calendar, and appropriately it is all decked out in green and red for the Christmas season. Not so much snow here in Australia though; we are celebrating the first day of summer.
But it’s time to reflect on the year gone past, what have we achieved, what have we struggled through, or triumphed in and celebrated? I have had some sad times, chiefly my beloved cat Hero’s passing. I still shed a few tears here or there when I suddenly remember she’s gone. And some good too – finishing The Yuckies books was a highlight, and making new friends and reacquainting with old ones.
I am looking forward to 2013 though – I have lots of exciting plans, but more on those later. And I am fully prepared already with a new calendar to celebrate the months of the New Year, this time a lovely illustrated calendar produced by the magazine Frankie.
In the meantime enjoy the holiday season!
Chopin Etudes, Op. 25, Frédéric Chopin, Remington Records, c.1957