Fashioning Art


Porcelain dress, Li XiaofengSome time ago, I walked past a gallery in Melbourne and was greatly taken by some ceramic sculptures of origami cranes, printed with traditional Chinese blue and white designs. Perhaps the gallery was closed, and I could not go in, but neither did I note the name of the artist. To my sorrow, I cannot now find him after running a search online.

I did, however, discover this amazing porcelain dress created by artist Li Xiaofeng. It brings together three loves of mine: fashion, ceramic sculpture and the blue and white porcelain from China. The dress is constructed from porcelain fragments from the Ming, Qing and Song dynasties, and one can only imagine how heavy it must hang.

It gathered a lot of notice at the Hong Kong Art Fair, and finally sold for $85,000 at the Asian Contemporary Art Fair in New York. Isn’t it an incredible piece of art?

Artist Li Xiaofeng with model




Aah, the Serendipity!