The Kiss


Deviant artist Rabbittooth's version of Klimt's The KissEarlier this week I was looking for reference on Gustav Klimt’s paintings in preparation for a fashionable nod to his decorative and luscious work. One thumbnail caught my eye and when I jumped to the page I beheld a version of The Kiss … featuring Han Solo and Princess Leia literally wrapped in a clinch. I blinked, and collapsed into hilarity. One of the funniest things I’ve seen in a long time.

Self-professed geekologist and Deviant artist Rabbittooth specialises in visual puns based on cultural icons, such as this pair, the stars of Kubrick’s The Shining combined with the famous painting American Gothic, and the Mona Lisa with an alien on her face.

But wait! There’s more! Pin-up Photographer Burke Heffner, also inspired by The Kiss, created a picture with a combination of photography and painting. In an interesting take on the original, he used models covered in body paint to emulate Klimt's iconic patterns.

I wonder what Klimt himself would think of all this homage?

Burke Heffner's version of The Kiss, complete with body paintThe one and only original: The Kiss, Gustav Klimt, 1908


Inter-Universe Beauty Wrap-Up


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