A Blast of Winter
Illustration by Cornelia LiI have been rather behind with keeping the Scrapbook running in the last few months, so here is a blast of winter Frankie calendar images all at once! (Wouldn’t it be nice if the cold months could pass by as quickly?)
I love the June calendar page, by Cornelia Li, because it is so apt for what Melbourne’s winter has been like this year. The image is titled ‘Isolation’. It’s not clear on Li’s website what medium she uses, but I suspect there is a mixture of traditional and digital media (going by the halftone dots spotted in some of her images), with brush, pencil and crayon or pastel strokes visible.
Cornelia is Toronto-based, and is interested in the interaction of people with their surroundings, seeking to capture this relationship in her drawings. See more of her work on her website.
Illustration by Sandra EterovićMelbourne illustrator Sandra Eterović specialises in painting in acrylic on wood or paper, in an unpretentious folk art style that is alive with texture and colour, which puts me somewhat in mind of Frida Kahlo. July’s fisherlady with her colourful catch is charming. Check out her blog here.
Illustration by Ashley RonningAshley Ronning, illustrator of August’s calendar page, is another Melbourne-based artist. After studying graphic design, she moved into set dressing and prop-making before she settled at last on illustration and risograph printing.
For those who don’t know, riso printing uses Japanese technology from the 80s – a digital printer that uses real ink (like an offset printer, and unlike a conventional photocopier) – which makes it a less expensive method for producing high-volume print runs than modern office photocopiers or laser and inkjet printers. Riso prints have a very distinctive and appealing look, much like Ronning’s work.
I really like the jungle atmosphere in this personal piece in Frankie’s calendar. Check out more of her work on her website.
Only one more month of winter to go – hurrah!