Bang, Bang on the Desk Baby
I love bangles. I own too many really – a whole shoebox-full. I wear them too (unlike the drawerful of scarves, another love), although I have my favourites, such as my smooth black onyx that I wear nearly every day. The only thing is, they are so annoying when working at a computer! They bang around so much on my desk eventually I take them off for fear of earning my work colleagues’ censure. Hence the name BANG-le, I guess.
Here is a new purchase from China, found on eBay, carved from yellow lacquered cinnabar. I adore the colour – such a bright sunny,
summery hue.
What is cinnabar?
A bright red mineral, cinnabar is a toxic mercury ore, although in the form of cinnabar it is at its least harmful. It is also known as vermillion, and gives this name to the artist’s pigment, and has been used in decorative art and cosmetics since ancient times by the Mayans and Romans, among others. Probably the Chinese are most well known for utilising the mineral in their lacquered cinnabar decorative objects and jewellery.
First ground into a powder cinnabar is then mixed with lacquer – produced from the sap of the lac tree that is commonly found in central and southern China. Base objects are then coated with many layers of lacquer, which are finally carved. Some pieces may be coated 300 times: each layer had to dry completely before the next was applied, so these pieces could take up to half a year and more to produce. Sometimes other dyes, such as yellow, were substituted for red cinnabar, or layered between the traditional red to create a multi-hued effect.
Cinnabar lacquer was produced and carved for many years before the toxic effect was known, after which a layer of clear lacquer was finally applied – particularly to jewellery – to prevent the spread of mercury to the skin. Most modern cinnabar decorative objects or jewellery have been made from lacquer that has been tinted with a simulated chemical cinnabar. But beware: any truly vintage pieces should be kept behind glass to prevent poisoning!