Inter-Universe Beauty Wrap-Up
Meet Miss Inter-Universe of 4082, Louella Brite!The Inter-Universe Beauty Pageant of 4082 (hosted by Earth) is over! The judges (I, and three of my female cousins) have tallied the votes (my childhood first, second and third place school sports ribbons were used to distribute the votes), and apart from one green ribbon which seems to have gone astray, here are the results:
Miss Lorna was the over all winner, with two blue ribbons, and two red. She was one of the very last I drew, and I remember putting a great deal of effort into her hair, makeup and costume.
To my disgust (then as now) Miss Comet is First Runnerup – long blond Rapunzel hair, big dress and diamonds plastered over her … how predictable. She received two blue ribbons and one red. None of those were from me.
Second Runnerup Miss Venus received one red and one green ribbon, and Miss Saturn and Miss Uranus tied for equal fourth with each receiving one green.
It’s good to see that even in that day and age green-skinned people aren’t discriminated against …
Now that I see them all side-by-side it’s interesting to discover there is a preponderance of yellow and green tones amongst the winners, excepting the shrimpy Miss Saturn. It’s good to see that even in that day and age green-skinned people aren’t discriminated against also – there are two greenies in the winning circle.
Well folks, I guess that about wraps it up. See you all at the pageant on the rainforest planet Lorna next year!
View the full Galaxy Gallery here.